Bits from the DPL
Written by Andreas Tille
Dear Debian community,
this is bits from DPL for December.
Happy New Year 2025! Wishing everyone health, productivity, and a successful Debian release later in this year.
Strict ownership of packages
I'm glad my last bits sparked discussions about barriers between packages and contributors, summarized temporarily in some post on the debian-devel list. As one participant aptly put it, we need a way to visibly say, "I'll do the job until someone else steps up". Based on my experience with the Bug of the Day initiative, simplifying the process for engaging with packages would significantly help.
Currently we have
NMU The Developers Reference outlines several preconditions for NMUs, explicitly stating, "Fixing cosmetic issues or changing the packaging style in NMUs is discouraged." This makes NMUs unsuitable for addressing package smells. However, I've seen NMUs used for tasks like switching to source format 3.0 or bumping the debhelper compat level. While it's technically possible to file a bug and then address it in an NMU, the process inherently limits the NMUer's flexibility to reduce package smells.
Package Salvaging This is another approach for working on someone else's packages, aligning with the process we often follow in the Bug of the Day initiative. The criteria for selecting packages typically indicate that the maintainer either lacks time to address open bugs, has lost interest, or is generally MIA.
Both options have drawbacks, so I'd welcome continued discussion on criteria for lowering the barriers to moving packages to Salsa and modernizing their packaging. These steps could enhance Debian overall and are generally welcomed by active maintainers. The discussion also highlighted that packages on Salsa are often maintained collaboratively, fostering the team-oriented atmosphere already established in several Debian teams.
Continuous Integration
As part of the ongoing discussion about package maintenance, I'm considering the suggestion to switch from the current opt-in model for Salsa CI to an opt-out approach. While I fully agree that human verification is necessary when the pipeline is activated, I believe the current option to enable CI is less visible than it should be. I'd welcome a more straightforward approach to improve access to better testing for what we push to Salsa.
Number of packages not on Salsa
In my campaign, I stated that I aimed to reduce the number of packages maintained outside Salsa to below 2,000. As of March 28, 2024, the count was 2,368. As of this writing, the count stands at 1,928 [1], so I consider this promise fulfilled. My thanks go out to everyone who contributed to this effort. Moving forward, I'd like to set a more ambitious goal for the remainder of my term and hope we can reduce the number to below 1,800.
[1] UDD query: SELECT DISTINCT count(*) FROM sources WHERE release = 'sid' and vcs_url not like '%salsa%' ;
Past and future events
Talk at MRI Together
In early December, I gave a short online talk, primarily focusing on my work with the Debian Med team. I also used my position as DPL to advocate for attracting more users and developers from the scientific research community.
I originally planned to attend FOSDEM this year. However, given the strong Debian presence there and the need for better representation at the FOSSASIA Summit, I decided to prioritize the latter. This aligns with my goal of improving geographic diversity. I also look forward to opportunities for inter-distribution discussions.
Debian team sprints
Debian Ruby Sprint
I approved the budget for the Debian Ruby Sprint, scheduled for January 2025 in Paris. If you're interested in contributing to the Ruby team, whether in person or online, consider reaching out to them. I'm sure any helping hand would be appreciated.
Debian Med sprint
There will also be a Debian Med sprint in Berlin in mid-February. As usual, you don't need to be an expert in biology or medicine–basic bug squashing skills are enough to contribute and enjoy the friendly atmosphere the Debian Med team fosters at their sprints. For those working in biology and medicine, we typically offer packaging support. Anyone interested in spending a weekend focused on impactful scientific work with Debian is warmly invited.
Again all the best for 2025