Bits from Debian

Bits from Debian

Mentors and co-mentors for Debian's Google Summer of Code 2018

On Tue 23 January 2018 with tags announce gsoc
Written by Daniel Pocock and Laura Arjona Reina

GSoC logo

Debian is applying as a mentoring organization for the Google Summer of Code 2018, an internship program open to university students aged 18 and up.

Debian already has a wide range of projects listed but it is not too late to add more or to improve the existing proposals. Google will start reviewing the ideas page over the next two weeks and students will start looking at it in mid-February.

Please join us and help extending Debian! You can consider listing a potential project for interns or listing your name as a possible co-mentor for one of the existing projects on Debian's Google Summer of Code wiki page.

At this stage, mentors are not obliged to commit to accepting an intern but it is important for potential mentors to be listed to get the process started. You will have the opportunity to review student applications in March and April and give the administrators a definite decision if you wish to proceed in early April.

Mentors, co-mentors and other volunteers can follow an intern through the entire process or simply volunteer for one phase of the program, such as helping recruit students in a local university or helping test the work completed by a student at the end of the summer.

Participating in GSoC has many benefits for Debian and the wider free software community. If you have questions, please come and ask us on IRC #debian-outreach or the debian-outreach mailing list.

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